Posted tagged ‘Jesus-shaped’

Discipleship: Program or Process?

June 10, 2009

A question I ponder frequently is – how are we doing making disciples?

Southern Baptists (in general) tend to be very program-oriented, and that is apparent in many of our discipleship ministries. Churches offer short-term courses that deal with marriage, finances, parenting, or biblical themes. Often, this involves sitting in a class-room watching and listening to a talking head on a TV screen while we fill in the blanks of a workbook.

Yes, I do find value in (some of) these courses, but part of me wonders how well they really work in making disciples? I think there must be more.

I came across a great post by Michael Spencer on his “Jesus Shaped Spirituality” blog that addresses this question. It’s great food for thought – I hope you will give it a read: The Jesus Disconnect – The Process of Discipleship.

So . . . how are we doing? Let me know what you think after you read Michael’s post.